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In the beginning ... I started a project to research and produce a 15 minute podcast about  Exeter's Vanished Rock Venues. An appeal on the Exeter Memories facebook site generated an enormous response and it quickly became clear that this was a bigger subject than I'd anticipated. The story of that podcast and how it developed into three radio shows is shown on the EVRV page.


My current radio shows are:

​Exeter's Vanished Rock Venues - Phonic 106.8 FM - fourth Thursdays from 4 to 6pm

Between the Buttons - Phonic FM 106.8 - second Tuesdays from 12 to 2pm

Strange Daze - Soundart Radio 102.5 FM  - every four weeks Thursdays from 9 to 11pm


During the 2021 lockdown I had programmes distributed by - which provides programmes for several stations including TWCfm, RTIfm, and Radio Caroline.


Information about upcoming shows, mixcloud recordings and tracklists are posted on social media:

Facebook: @exeters.vanished.rock.venues and Twitter: @exeter_s

Email me at:


Many of the shows (and all those with guests) can be heard on Mixcloud here:



Here is an example 'Between the Buttons' show:







Tracklists and Programme Details


Tracklists are published on the EVRV facebook page 


The gallery immediately below illustrates a small selection of 2020 shows (click on arrows for tracklists and to navigate - and click on image for mixcloud links).

Below is an incomplete list of programmes uploaded to Mixcloud - which needs updating!


Shows on Mixcloud: August 2018 - September 2020 (click to access)


Buttons/Strange Days : Psych, Jacob Housego, Spirit, Nilsson, ELO, Doors, Beach Boys, E Stone #Sep20


Buttons/Strange Days : New What Color is Sound, N Harrow, N Young, Wreckless Eric, F Lips, #Aug20


Strange Days: Folk/rock/mod + new from Native Harrow, N Young, G Seagull, Thompsons, Macca #Aug20


Buttons: Psych, rock, prog, folk, freak beat + N Harrow, J Mitchell, J Dyble, Flaming Lips #Jul20


Buttons/Strange Days: Psych, prog, folk- Neil, Dylan, M Bus, Keith T, Belle Phoenix, M Plater #Jun20


EVRV & Strange Days: Rock, prog, psych, folk, Pretenders, Elvis, Magic Bus, Elephant Stone: #June20


Between the Buttons: Psych, prog, folk, rock + Idles, B deWilde, Grice, Vibravoid, Floyd #May20


EVRV & Strange Days: Prog, Psych, Folk & Rock, Little Richard, Magic Bus, Bloom de Wilde #May20


Strange Days & Between the Buttons - Psychedelics, Canterbury, Magic Bus, & John Prine #Apr20


Strange Days & Between the Buttons - Fantasy Orchestra, Psych, Folk, Tony Millman & more #Mar20


Exeter's Vanished Rock Venues - 60s, 70s & New Stuff + Charlotte AP Choices & Live #Mar20


Exeter's Vanished Rock Venues - Susannah & Dan live & talking PetRocks @ the Cavern #Feb20


Between the Buttons: Pattern Pusher Special with Ben G talking about their 2020 plans #Jan20


Strange Days Totnes - Pattern Pusher Special with Ben G talking about their 2020 plans #Jan20


Exeter's Vanished Rock Venues New Year: 2019 Deaths/Nostalgia, Faves, & Best Local #Jan20


Exeter's Vanished Rock Venues with The Cornish Wreckers - Interview & 'Weird Folk' #Oct19


Between the Buttons Xmas Eve Chillout - Psych, 60s, new Stuff, a bit of Xmas & not much chat #Dec19


Exeter's Vanished Rock Venues - Xmas and Show of the Year with Susannah and the Noise #Dec19


Strange Days Totnes - Xmas Show with Prog (Grice etc), Art Stuff, & Clive James Tribute #Dec19


Strange Days Totnes - Native Harrow Gig (from 16mins), Life & Death Song Cycle, Iota ... #Sep19


Between the Buttons - Anniversaries, Tributes, Life & Death song cycle, Psychedelia ... #Sep19


Between the Buttons - Woodstock + Gigs with Hannah O'Brien of Exeter Uncovered #Aug19


Strange Days Totnes - Pilot Show #Aug19


Exeter's Vanished Rock Venues - with Dave Treharne recalling 1985 and DevonAir Radio #Aug19


Between the Buttons Exeter - The Prog Rock Edition with Steve and Pat Gorman #Jul19


Exeter's Vanished Rock Venues - with Matt Thomas & sounds/chat from his Seattle roots #Jul19


Between the Buttons - with Dan from Susannah & the Noise + Hannah from Exeter Uncovered #Jun19


Exeter's Vanished Rock Venues - Early 80s Activism with Freya Searle #Jun19


Between the Buttons Exeter – St Vincent, Thompson, OMD, Verve, Muffy, Hendrix & more #May19


Between the Buttons Exeter - with Jez talking about Sea Change festival #May19


Exeter's Vanished Rock Venues - with 'Rock Legend' Lee Rawlings #May19


Exeter's Vanished Rock Venues: Folk/Psych & Hannah of Exeter Uncovered #Apr19


Exeter's Vanished Rock Venues with Jon Curtis from the Cut-Ups #Mar19


Exeter's Vanished Rock Venues - with Susannah and the Noise #Feb19


Exeter's Vanished Rock Venues - The New Year Show #Jan19


Exeter's Vanished Rock Venues - The Xmas Show with Pat and Jez #Dec18


Exeter's Vanished Rock Venues - with Graham Sclater #Nov18


Exeter's Vanished Rock Venues - with Pat Gorman #Oct18


Exeter's Vanished Rock Venues - pilot broadcast #Aug18

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